Frequently Asked Questions

How does cryotherapy work?

Cryotherapy exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures, triggering natural healing and recovery processes.

Is Cryotherapy safe for everyone?

Cryotherapy is generally safe, but certain medical conditions may preclude some individuals from using it. Consult with our staff to see if it's right for you.

What are the benefits of Cryotherapy?

The benefits of cryotherapy include reduced inflammation, improved recovery, pain relief, and enhanced overall wellness.

Who can benefit from Cryotherapy?

  1. Athletes and Sports Recovery: Cryotherapy is commonly used by athletes to help with muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and manage sports-related injuries.

  2. Pain Management: Some individuals use cryotherapy to alleviate chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis or muscle and joint pain.

  3. Inflammation Reduction: Cryotherapy may help in reducing inflammation, and it is sometimes used as part of treatment for inflammatory conditions.

  4. Skin Conditions: Cryotherapy is also used for certain dermatological conditions, such as removing warts or treating skin conditions like psoriasis.

  5. Weight Management: Some proponents suggest that exposure to cold temperatures might stimulate the body to burn more calories, potentially aiding in weight management.

  6. Improving Mood and Sleep: The cold exposure in cryotherapy is believed by some to trigger the release of endorphins, which could improve mood and help with sleep.

  7. General Well-being: Some people use cryotherapy as part of a wellness routine, believing it may contribute to overall well-being.

How long does a Cryotherapy session last?

Whole Body Cryotherapy: Sessions typically last between 2 to 3 minutes. The exposure time is kept short to avoid potential risks associated with prolonged exposure to extremely cold temperatures.

Localized Cryotherapy: In this form, specific areas of the body are targeted with cold air. Sessions can range from 5 to 20 minutes.

Are there any age restrictions for Cryotherapy?

Many cryotherapy facilities have age restrictions, and individuals under the age of 18 may be required to have parental consent. The extreme cold temperatures in WBC chambers may pose risks, and the decision to allow minors to undergo cryotherapy should be made with caution.

Can I exercise before or after a Cryotherapy session?

Before Cryotherapy:

Exercising before a cryotherapy session may have some advantages:

  1. Improved Blood Circulation: Exercise can enhance blood circulation, which may help in preparing the body for the cryotherapy session.

  2. Increased Endorphins: Physical activity can stimulate the release of endorphins, contributing to a positive mood, which may complement the potential mood-enhancing effects of cryotherapy.

After Cryotherapy:

Exercising after a cryotherapy session is generally considered safe and may have additional benefits:

  1. Muscle Recovery: Cryotherapy is often used by athletes to aid in muscle recovery. Combining cryotherapy with exercise post-session may enhance the recovery process.

  2. Reduced Inflammation: Cryotherapy is believed to help in reducing inflammation, and exercise can also contribute to this effect. The combination may be beneficial for individuals dealing with inflammatory conditions.

Order of Activities: While there isn't a strict rule, some individuals prefer to exercise before cryotherapy to enhance circulation and then use cryotherapy for recovery afterward.